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What Are Examples of Oral Cysts and Tumors?

Posted on 3/6/2023 by Barbara Ketchum
What Are Examples of Oral Cysts and Tumors?Oral tumors and cysts come in various forms, each with its symptoms and approach to care. Below are some examples of oral tumors and cysts:


Ameloblastoma is a sporadic tumor that develops from the tooth's enamel cells. It typically manifests in the jaw, specifically around the molars. Large tumors can occur in the jawbone if the cancer is aggressive. In most cases, surgery is necessary and can significantly lessen the risk of a recurrence.

Central Giant Cell Granuloma

Bone cells can develop benign tumors called central giant cell granulomas. The lower front teeth are the most common site for these problems. When they begin to expand, they can cause severe discomfort and even bone destruction. Even if surgery is successful in the short term, they can return quickly.

Dentigerous Cyst

Dentigerous cysts form in the pre-erupting gum tissue around a tooth. It is the most frequent form of a cyst.

Odontogenic Keratocyst

Odontogenic keratocyst has the characteristics of a tumor and is notorious for returning even after surgical removal. Although it spreads slowly, it can cause severe problems with the jaw and teeth if left untreated.

Odontogenic Myxoma

This benign tumor is uncommon and grows slowly, although it can get quite big and infiltrate the jaw and surrounding tissue. In addition, even after surgery, they can return.


The most common odontogenic tumor is an odontoma. Even while they rarely cause noticeable symptoms, they can impede normal tooth growth. Sometimes they look like a tooth with an unusual form.

Get in Touch

Our experienced oral surgeons will talk to you about your choices for dealing with a cyst or tumor in your mouth. We will advise you on the best treatment plan depending on your condition. To set up an appointment, please call or email us.
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