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Tooth Extraction Salem OR

Illustration of a tooth extraction from Oak Park Dental in Salem, ORTooth extractions are performed to increase the health of your mouth. We remove teeth for one of three reasons, as a step toward improving a patient's bite, the tooth is impacted and can cause potential harm, or the tooth is damaged beyond restoration. At Oak Park Dental, we understand the importance of your teeth and keeping them. We take extractions very seriously and only perform them when necessary to increase and maintain a patient's oral health. Before treatment, Dan O'Leary DDS will examine and review the patient's options. If extraction is found to be necessary, we will go over the procedure based on each patient's specific needs. Some patients may require a simple extraction, and other's a surgical extraction. Dan O'Leary DDS, along with our team, will review this information with you.

When a Tooth Extraction is Necessary

It is best to retain your natural teeth when they are not causing harm or damage to your other teeth. Patients with missing teeth will experience problems with bone atrophy and can suffer from other problems such as neighboring teeth shifting causing your bite to alter. At Oak Park Dental, we perform extractions under the following circumstances:

•  Improving a Patient's Bite: Generally done working in tandem with or under the direction of an Orthodontist, sometimes teeth are removed in order to improve a patient's bite. Many patients suffer from overcrowding and are aware that teeth are often removed to reduce overcrowding. Because of this, they assume that the loss of one tooth is no big deal. The difference is, when an orthodontist requests a tooth removed, there is a plan in place to improve a patient's bite, and the neighboring teeth are moved in a controlled fashion with the assistance of a device such as braces. When a tooth is removed and an space is left, the neighboring teeth proceed to move in an uncontrolled fashion, potentially causing havoc with your bite. Bites that are adjusted through this often leads to TMJ dysfunction causing the patient discomfort or pain in their jaw.

•  A tooth is Impacted: An impacted tooth is a tooth that is unable to erupt or fully erupts. Teeth can remain either partially or fully under the gum line if there is insufficient space or if they have twisted in such a way that they are no longer pointing the correct way. Impacted teeth are subject to decay and infection, or can cause spacing issues with neighboring teeth. This includes Wisdom Teeth. A common question is if it is necessary to remove the third molars, known as your wisdom teeth. Our response includes statistics such as 84% of people will need to have their wisdom teeth removed at some point, it is best to have them removed when the patient is a young adult when the roots are still small. Wisdom Teeth are often impacted, meaning they decay more easily, they also often cause spacing issues with neighboring teeth because there frequently is not enough room for them to erupt. A young patient may not see the potential for future problems, but studies have shown that removing them younger is less painful and better for your oral health. At Oak Park Dental, we recommend having your wisdom teeth removed around the ages of 17-22.

•  A The tooth has Severe Damage: Teeth are subject to fracture and decay. They can be broken when chewing something hard, or when playing sports outside, or from a traumatic injury. They can become weakened following a root canal treatment. A patient can allow decay to become so extensive that the tooth is beyond repair. There are several ways that a tooth can become damaged to the point that it needs to be extracted. Once a tooth has reached a certain level of damage, if there is no longer enough tooth structure to place a dental crown, extraction is the last option to protect the patient's health.

Type of Extraction

Extractions can be categorized into two forms, simple and surgical. A simple extraction can quickly turn into a surgical extraction. Before either, Dan O'Leary DDS will have examined the situation and review the procedure with you individually. We will offer anesthesia based on your individual needs, taking into consideration the work being done, the patient's pain tolerance, and their medical needs. Extractions can be uncomfortable, and we will do our best to alleviate your discomfort. Treatment may include one of two forms of removal, including:

Simple Extraction
A simple extraction means that Dan O'Leary DDS can fully grab hold of the entire tooth. The tooth is not impacted and it is not severely fractured. Dan O'Leary DDS can use a tool known as an elevator to lift the tooth cleanly from the socket and use forceps to pull it free.

Surgical Extraction
A surgical extraction is performed when cuts need to be made to remove the tooth. In some cases, Dan O'Leary DDS may be required to quarter the tooth, or break it into pieces to remove it. Dan O'Leary DDS may be required to make cuts below the gumline to retrieve it. Surgical extractions often require stitches following the removal of the tooth. Surgical extractions often take longer to heal. The removal of Wisdom Teeth is often categorized as a surgical extraction.

Healing After an Extraction

Dan O'Leary DDS will review home care information following your extraction. Many patients find it necessary to take a day or two at home to recover. Many patients experience mild pain and swelling; we will review tips and proper healing information before you leave. We will want to monitor bleeding and signs of infection. If you experience anything out of the ordinary, excessive bleeding, pain, fever, or illness, we ask that you seek proper medical care immediately and then notify our office.

Patients who are seeking restoration for an extracted tooth can review information with Dan O'Leary DDS. There are options available including the placement of a dental implant. In many cases, if a dental implant is part of the treatment plan before extraction, we can place a bone graft during your extraction. This will help your bone stay healthy and even bulk up before your implant placement.

For more information on dental extractions, and how they can be beneficial to your oral health, contact Oak Park Dental at our Salem office at (971) 600-0211.

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Tooth Extraction • Dentist Salem OR • Oak Park Dental
At Oak Park Dental, we understand the importance of your teeth and keeping them. We take extractions very seriously and only perform them when necessary.
Oak Park Dental, 3380 Astoria Way NE, Salem, OR 97305, (971) 600-0211,, 1/30/2025, Page Terms:dentist Salem OR,